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Business Training
in Business & Skills Training
NDEC;Windows 10PC Intermediate

This course builds on the skills that are acquired in the Windows 10 Basics class, and you will learnhow to get even more from your Windows 10 PC. Learn how to organize your files, manage storage, learn about shortcuts, file compression, and more.
Requirements for this class;
A Windows 10 computer with Internet access and completion of Windows 10 PC Basics or equivalent knowledge.
When: March 24, 25, 26
Time: 10:00-11:00 am
Where: Telstar Adult Education
NDEC; Using Gmail Effectively

Email is a means of communicating with others, throughout the world, in a fast and efficientmanner. This class will cover the terms and techniques necessary to use email in an efficient, safeand organized manner.
Requirements for this class:
No devices are required, but you may get more from the course by brining a device that can connect to the interenet and allows you to access your email.
When: April 24th
Time: 10:00-11:00 am
Where: Telstar Adult Education